Vehicle Description
{{{Sale Pending}}}LeatherNavigationSunroofSony 12 Speaker Premium SoundNew HOV Carpool Lane Stickers Now in stock this is a very very nice Ford Fusion Plug-in Hybrid that runs on Gasoline only about 40% of the time! Normally it will operate on electricity about 60% of the time that you are beh ind the wheel. When you get home at the end of your day just plug it in to a regular outlet and it will charge for several hours. The next day it is ready to drive almost purely on electric power for up to 22 miles per charge. The math on that is 22 miles per day times 365 days in a year equals 8000 miles of zero gas driving if you charge the car once a day. If you charge twice a day such as at home and at work then the number could be as high as 16,000 miles of zero gas driving each year. The Pollution you reduce by not burning gas is rewarded by not buying expensive gas. HOWEVER... this car does use gas and you don't have to charge it if you don't want to or live in a place with no power plugs. It can drive like a hybrid on gas only but then will use gas about 60% of the time and only run on regenerated electric power about 40% of the time so still saving gas. One benefit is you can make long cross country trips and only buy gas never fussing with chargers on the go. Other benefits are that you may be able to take Government cash benefits as high as $17000 for buying a plug-in vehicle such as the Replace your Ride program $9500 incentive and also the Federal Income tax EV Credit. Check with your tax preparer to see if you can benefit from the $7500 federal tax credit. In California this car has never had Carpool sticker before so it is still entitled to a full 3-4 year Drive alone legally in the carpool lane benefit. That could save you lots of time if you commute. Be Very Careful because The DMV now only allows a car to have HOV stickers once in a lifetime per vehicle up to a maximum of 4 years so if you buy a different car that previously had HOV sticker then you will