Vehicle Description
Clean California Car with regualar service records at Toyota. All wheel Drive LE Plus just in time for the winter season. Clean CARFAX. Professionally Detailed, Non-Smoker, AWD. ALL OF OUR VEHICLES COME WITH THE BALANCE OF THEIR FACTORY WARRANTY WHEN AVAILABLE AND OUR EXCLUSIVE 30 DAY/ 1,000 MILE PO WERTRAIN WARRANTY. EVERY VEHICLE HAS GONE THROUGH A RIGOROUS 140 POINT INSPECTION, ARE SAFETY CERTIFIED, FULLY SERVICED AND RECONDITIONED TO OUR HIGH STANDARDS. COME SEE WHAT SEPARATES APEXCARS.NET FROM THE REST OF THE COMPETITION! Disclaimer: All prices plus Tax, DMV, $85 Documentation Fee and Dealer installed accessories. All advertised interest rates are subject to buyer qualification. All vehicle specifications, prices and equipment are subject to change without notice. See above for information on purchase financing and lease program expiration dates. Prices and payments (including the amount down payment) do not include tax, titles, tags, documentation charges, emissions testing charges, or other fees required by law or lending organizations. The estimated payments may not include upfront finance charges that must be paid to be eligible for the purchase financing program used to estimate the APR and payments. Listed Annual Percentage Rates are provided for the selected purchase financing or lease programs available on the current date. Program expiration dates reflect currently announced program end dates, but these programs are subject to change at any time. All APR and Lease offers are on credit approval only. Awards: 2019 12 Best Family Cars 2019 Best Resale Value Awards 2019 Brand Image Awards